Now all of a sudden it Only shows up in a totally different state and with exact name search. Is there something I could do to send signals to Google to show that I am in Matthews, NC?Ģ months ago my listing quit showing up at all unless you typed exact business name What could possibly cause my listing or Google to do this? I have been without my listing for a few months now and have NO calls coming in from it.

If you search Locksmith Independence, KS it shows up on the maps. If you search Locksmith Matthews, NC my listing does not show up at all. the same shutter speed at a much cleaner ISO 400 if you used the prime. Keep in mind the GMB is in Matthews, NC All my service areas and the actual map show the correct areas. PlayStation 2 Optical Drive Repair What did we use before USB Nostalgia Nerd VHS to Digital: How to Convert Your VHS Tapes Don’t buy the wrong HDMI cable Buying HDMI 2.1 cables How to Repair. After graduating from a kit lens, youll need to decide between a prime lens and. Now if I search my business name under the auto populate I see it with Independence, KS on the listing. I pretty much do not have any traffic, views or calls now. Posted about my SAB listing a few weeks ago about not showing up in search only when you entered the exact name. You could also use lens or disc cleaning wipes, which are basically microfiber pads with a special cleaning solution made with isopropyl alcohol.I Really need some help. Simply insert the disc into your DVD player and follow the directions to quickly and easily clean your DVD. Dampen a microfiber cloth in it, then wipe the disc from the center to the edges until it looks clean. The Allsop Lens Cleaner uses eight staggered brushes that progressively pass over the laser lens to clean the entire surface. CleanDr lets you safely clean your DVD player. If the disc is very dirty, mix equal parts of water and isopropyl alcohol. Never wipe in a circle or you could actually damage the disc. Manual Solutions is my brandname for the last. Be careful not to leave any dust or fingerprints. How to clean your PS2 lens manualizz 332 subscribers Subscribe 1.4K 409K views 13 years ago This is a stop-motion manual made by Manual Solutions. Continue working around the disc until you've wiped the entire surface. Starting in the center, move the cloth in a straight line toward the edges.

Hold onto the edges of the disc, turning it so the reflective side is facing up. Other types of cloth, including paper towels and clothing, are more likely to scratch the disc, so don't try to use your shirt. And by a simple clean of the lens I did a complete teardown because it would help keep the machine running longer/ prevent overheating/shorting. You could also use a lens cloth designed for eye glasses. 103 144 Posted: Options I had similar problem on our ps2 it was resolved by opening the unit up and cleaning all the dust that had accumulated in there. The best thing to use is a microfiber cloth. Oftentimes, cleaning off any dust or debris that may be stuck on the disc is enough to get it working again.