Which begins with understanding the dream narrative, then going deeper into the Which is only the very first step in dreamwork. It takes you beyond simply understanding the dream – Natural way that a dream deals with emotionally important matters related to
This guide provides an in-depth approach that follows the
Scripted Role-Play (“6 magic questions”) in PDF. Please refer to the IASD Ethics Statement to ensure ethical dreamwork practices . Note that these procedures are designed for personal exploration, such that the dreamer remains the ultimate authority on the meaning of the dream. The color procedures are based on studies of the human emotional response to color. These approaches are derived from a unique combination of Gestalt Therapy practices and Jungian theory as well as supportive studies from recent research on the neurology of dreaming. They are not to be considered a replacement for therapy. KEYWORDS: Imaginal Realm (‘Alam mithal), Henry Corbin, modern problems, Islamic metaphysics, Iranian philosophers.The following procedures for understanding and working with your dreams are designed for dreamwork practitioners or self-help and can be adopted to clinical practice. Thereafter, I will present Corbin’s solution – which draws on Islamic metaphysics with special emphasis on the Imaginal Realm as an Iranian contribution to Islamic metaphysics, with a view to such Iranian philosophers as Avicenna, Suhrawardi, and Mulla Sadra – followed by a brief criticism. In the present article, I will investigate a number of the modern problems that Corbin identified as posing a challenge to human thought – such as dualism in ontology and epistemology, secularization of philosophy (the separation of philosophy from theology), obsolescence of eschatology, desanctification of art, a onesided approach to religion, and a lack of fundamental principles for an ecumenical effort to narrow the gap separating the various religions. Corbin attributed the problems of modern western thought to the peculiar ontology and epistemology of modern western philosophers, and he sought to resolve these problems by postulating a doctrine of the mundus imaginalis. He found the solution to these problems in philosophical and metaphysical principles. Corbin laid the groundwork of his thought by inquiring into the condition of the human being and the problems he is faced with. ABSTRACT: This article intends to approach the problems and concerns of the human being from the perspective of Henry Corbin.